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Brokenness and Leadership

Jenifer Wolf-Williams, Ed.D., LPC-S

Blog posts January 2018

Facing the Underbelly -- Racism and Immigration

Soldiers in camouflage, each with a machine gun, surrounded our two-door Plymouth, but I was more tired than afraid.  In her carseat behind us, our baby began to stir, and I hoped the soldiers wouldn’t order us to unpack the car as their counterparts had at the last checkpoint.  That order was no small task, since my husband Peter and I had filled every inch with food and dishes, clothes and beddi…

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Moral Shift and the American Newcomer

The plan began with two truck bombs, one on either side of the apartment complex.  Once the bombs had exploded, but before the dust had settled, the men would run from home to home with their cache of weapons to kill survivors.  Somali Muslim refugees are dangerous, the plotters reasoned, even the babies, so none could be left alive.

The refugees’ rescue came in the form of undercover agents,…

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2 blog posts